Sunday, October 30, 2011

Stir Fried Noodles and My 100th Post !!!!

Woohoooo!!!!! I am on my 100th post and all thanks to my mom for instilling in me this passion for cooking . Watching her cook so passionately and effortlessly for family and friends is what  inspired me and I want to dedicate this post to her .

The dish I am posting today is quite popular among my family and friends . In school whenver I had to bring something from home my friends always requested for this particular dish .Though I have many favourites of my Mom's , this ranks on top and the best part is there's nothing fancy shmancy about it , it is rather a simple recipe , so without further ado here goes.............


5 pckts of instant curry flavoured noodles ( I use Koka brand )
350 gms of beef cut into small cubes
250 gms green beans cut into 1 inch pc
1 large carrot cut into thin 1 inch pc
1 large green capsicum cut into long strips
1 stock chicken cube
1 tbsp soy sauce + more to sprinkle
pepper to taste
2 tbsp peanut oil or vegetable oil


Bring  a large pot of water to boil
Add the instant noodles and cook for 3 - 4 min and strain plus put cold water on it to stop the cooking process . Set this aside
In a pan , heat 2 tbsp oil and add the beef , stock cubes and soy sauce and stir fry it till the beef becomes crisp .
Add half of the capsicum and stir fry it till it becomes soft .
Now add the rest of the vegetables and cook till done ( the veggies should have a bite to it ).
Now add half the cooked noodles , pepper to taste , soy sauce and the curry seasoning and toss it all together .
Add the rest of the noodles and repeat the same process .
Toss everything together and if seems a bit dry , add a little oil more oil if needed .
Enjoy it while it's hot .


You can substitute beef with sausages or chicken strips .

I have been fortunate enough to receive an award from a fellow blogger and friend Ambreen from Simply Sweet'n Savoury and I would like to thank her for honouring me with this award .

The word 'Liebster' is a German word that essentially means 'dear' and is derived from the verb 'lieber' which means 'to love'. This award has been conceived with the idea to bright to light fledgling and upcoming blogs which have a follower count less than 200. 
Here are the rules for this award:
1. Thank the giver who gave the award and link back to his / her blog.
2. Choose 5 blogs whom you would like to give this award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Hope that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers as well.
5. Thank all who read your blog and wish to follow you and of course - have fun!

I would love to share this award with these wonderful blogger friends of mine . Please have a look at their sites
Jay of Tasty Appetite
Shruthi of A Spoonfull Of Yum
Rajdeep of Rajdeep's cookery
Charissa of


  1. Congratulations! on the 100th post, do not stop, keeping going we love all what you have shared here on this blog.

  2. Congradulations for the 100th post! Keep up the good work. BTW the recipe looks perfect! I wish I could have even a bite :-)!!

  3. congrats sis for the 100th post..

  4. Thanks so much for the award, hun! You are so sweet!

  5. congrats on your milestone & well deserved award Shabs...wishing you many many more success in blogging..:)
    Thanks for sharing with me..feel so good..~
    Tasty Appetite

  6. Congrats for ur success n all the best for ur future endevours....

  7. thanks for the nice of you :) much appreciated. congrats on your 100th post shabs !!

  8. Congratulations dear, on your 100th post, and your well deserved award!
    Love your stir-fried noodles, as a matter of fact, love each and every recipe you post!
    Kudos to your mom for inspiring you...just keep on bringing all these delicious dishes, and desserts:DDD

  9. congratulations for your 100th post! i just started my blog 4 months ago, looking forward to my 100th soon!

  10. I have a love/hate relationship with noodles. I definitely LOVE them but that's exactly the problem if you catch my drift.

  11. Hey Congratulations on your 100th post, wish you many more........

  12. Thanks for the award.I have linked you on my page. Thanks for letting me know 'how to'!

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